suga babes~

suga babes~
aku mimpi die ckp mlyu.kah! kah!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

induuu laa...

msti korg t'tnye sape bdk rmbut kerinting ne kn? kui.. kui.. die la muhammad aryz razin.. he's my niece.. tomel sgt kn?? geram akuu! act, i've been missing him so... much! dh lme tau tk blik uma.. aishkk.. so, bile smpai uma je, aku nk main dgn die.. die dh pndai merangkak. tk lme tu, jln la tu.. abesla klu die dh dpt kaki.. aku yg pgsan nk jge. haha! nway, i'm also missing so much my home, my mom, my BULAT, wargghhh!! juz now, i pick up my phone n she says, 'ari ne buke ko msak ye.lme tk rse air tgn ko' statement itu dikuarkan oleh pn roslina.. she's asking me to prepare foe buke menu.. wawaa.. mampu ke aku? its ok, tgk orgla.. well, skrg aku cme tgu mse nk smpai uma ne.. abg aku yg baik, hensem lgi tegap tk smpai2 dri td! haiyakk! i think it will be fun when i stop here. see ya~

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

update gile2 la knon

waduh..waduh.. ketemu lgi ya... hiee.. gilok la.. laz aku update, part 4.. skrg dh part 5. tkpe2, nseb b'nyawa lgi blog aku neyh. aku tgk syaza, qaqa la, dok sebok cte2 blog. mmg tk blh jdik, aku pn nk jgkla. knon nk dpt title "Miss Updater".. haha! prasan je aku.. nway, my life was changing drastically. no doubtly.. huh! i've bcome sooo stressful. sem ne dugaan utk aku mmg sgt hebat. alhamdulillah aku blh stand lgi as the times goes around. i never expect this kind of harder time in my life. but still, there's many ppl out there who can help me, fmly, frenz.. im really hpy to express my gratitude to ALLAH.. thanx! skrg ne, im doing my internal prac. when it comes to work, arggghh.. i mite going insane! its ok, this is only the training.. ;) aku tk sbrnye nk tggu raye. gile bab excited! sabo2.. bju raye tktau la dh siap blm. aku ade 4 ke 5 psg thun ne.. hihi. tk ingt pulok. gile tamak! yg pling pnting, aku tk ponteng pose aku lgi tau! yess! tktau nk mencarut ape ne.. erm.. mcm dh tkde ape je.. k la, k la.. aku usha bnde lain! nti aku update lgi.. suga~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


salam dahulu....fuhhh..lame gle bab aku tk update blog aku....hehe...agk bz di situ well,dh mcm2 dh yg berubah dlm hidup aku.. aku skrg single n available!!! yeaahh!! aku free seyhh... hahaha... bebas mcm burung.. tkde org blh halang2 aku lgi.. erm...skrg aku dh part 4 lar...fuyooo... gle ar... rse mcm bru smlm aku part 1..kihkih... well, sem ne aku mmg aku bz sbb ade event... most fav subj yg aku tggu slma ne... excited gler..... aku dilantik sbg biro sponsor... wahhh...klu tkde sponsor, tk la gerak event ne... mcm2 hal dh jdi.. ketua tk blh harap.. org tv3.. aku suggest theme contemporary.. and lect aku yg cerewet gle bab accept plk! aku sgt shocckkk... hahaha... tk sgke die accept.. kwn2 aku pn sume agree... hihihi... tq all!! aku hrp sgt event ne akan berjalan dgn lancar dan jayanye.... so sweett!! aku rse takat ne je utk kali ne!! next time, if aku ade mse lgi.. aku crita lgi naaa... c yaaa~